HPE - Cabinet d’expertise et de censeil opérationnel


With environmental balances in full evolution, there is no greater danger than to remain immobile.

HP.E has committed to a real policy of development and innovation.

For more than 20 years, HP.E and its manager have engaged and financed a development policy by trying whenever possible to create partnerships of interest with manufacturers, operators and research laboratories.
These developments have been founded on a potential of experiences in the industrial, agro-industrial and waste treatment sectors.
The developments were approached according to a very broad spectrum with on the one hand the recovery of ultimate waste whose environmental and economic stakes are real, and on the other hand industrial and agro-industrial issues in connection with to health.

Innovation is part of HP.E's DNA: based on perfectly acquired techniques and a fully integrated regulatory framework, we strive to bring a decisive vision in terms of technological progress and operation of facilities.

HP.E is committed to the development of new channels for the recovery of complex waste.

“Complex waste are soiled and mixed ultimate waste that is difficult to recycle”

The recovery of complex waste issues is unfortunately still remained actual today, this waste is generally either transformed into RDF (refuse-derived fuel),, or directly buried.
HP.E has initiated development work in conjunction with the UPJV Amiens University, which is based on a “manufacture of substitute aggregates for concrete” business model.
Valorization of complex waste / Aggregates substitute for concrete

The recovery of pulper waste from paper mills is a recurring issue because it is an ultimate waste with in addition, considerable water retention. This requires the implementation of a set of sorting, grinding, drying and extrusion techniques.

The impact on health is also at the heart of the concerns of the manager of HP.e.

The presence of formaldehyde in commonly used furniture is a topical concern. Hervé POLINO is personally committed to the development of a totally biosourced glue. A subsidiary company SPIDEM has been created in order to carry out this development. SPIDEM is the owner of 2 international patents held jointly with the French development organization SATT NORD.
Industrial test film

Even though the food/public health issue is a concern for many populations, the use of chemicals treatments for the preservation of cereals after harvest, even if taxed, is not yet completely prohibited.
HP.E has developed a heat treatment process for cereals that meets the health and technical requirements of the market. A patent was filed in early 2022.
Method od thermal desinsectisation of cereals