HPE - Cabinet d’expertise et de censeil opérationnel


It is not only about planning the future, we must also make it possible.

Strategic reflection must be broad and associated with rapidly operational solutions.

The energy and waste treatment sectors are more linked than ever, with the prospect of a wide range of environmental challenges.

  • A regulatory evolution integrating the treatment of nuisances and pollution that may have an impact on the living environment & health.
  • Optimization of the material and energy recovery of the ultimate non-fermentable fractions.
  • Reasoned “energy & agronomic” management of bio-waste.
  • A reduction in the carbon impact with an evolution of alternative energies and a necessary recovery of fatal energies.

Multidisciplinary skills for impactful solutions.

In a context where the factors of resource management & energy issues are changing, performance is becoming a daily challenge. The evolution train is on the move and it seems essential to get out of the classic models, whether they are technological or operational.
We operate in identified sectors and on perfectly targeted issues, for which we are able to bring real added value in terms of modernity and innovation.

Alternative energies
Methanization – Gasification – ORC module. Valorization of fatal energies.
Alternative fuels
Manufacturing processes for RDF (refuse-derived fuel), pellets and biomass granules.
Air treatment
Treatment of odors and gaseous emissions.
Valorization of biomass
Composting & organic amendments crop supports. Energy cogeneration.
Material recovery
Selective sorting processes & mechanical-biological sorting processes. Recovery of complex waste.
Drying processes contributing to the recovery of combustible, waste & sludge.